Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.
The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.
Fucking A they were. No one can convince me otherwise. There was a style of writing that became obvious with the writers idiosyncrasies seeping through all the time with some very uncommon phrases and words being used that normal peons simply do not use.
And then there were the writing themes that would create engagement over a week-long period to boot by these same writers.
Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.
Creative writing presented as truth
Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.
The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.
Part 1: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1379pge/tifu_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 2: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/137u9bk/tifupdate_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 3: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1391lmj/tifupdate_i_cuckolded_my_professor/
I hope this kind of bullshit never happens here.
And all of the rage bait posts too (including in those subs).
It will, there will always be charlatans looking to get their jollies by lying for an audience.
I sometimes wonder if Reddit was hiring writers to write those posts to drive engagement.
Fucking A they were. No one can convince me otherwise. There was a style of writing that became obvious with the writers idiosyncrasies seeping through all the time with some very uncommon phrases and words being used that normal peons simply do not use.
And then there were the writing themes that would create engagement over a week-long period to boot by these same writers.
/r/nosleep went from genuine scary but plausible stories to literal vampire fanfic porn. One of the worst pivots in reddit history.
I watched that happen in real time, such a bummer because there was some really cool and creepy writing on there at one point
Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.
Pretty sure this is going to happen…