• PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    For the unaware: He’s in a wheelchair because a tree branch fell on him while he was jogging. He sued the homeowner where the accident occurred, won millions in the settlement, and even got the homeowner on the hook for lost future earnings. Abbott had just graduated from law school a few months prior to the accident, and argued that since he wasn’t able to work he should be compensated for his future lost earnings. So the homeowner has to pay him a wage of $14k/mo (an amount the judge decided would be fair for a lawyer to make if they were able to work full time) for the rest of his life. Abbott then used that money to kickstart his political career.

    The only time it’s “acceptable” to make fun of him being in a wheelchair is when pointing out his hypocrisy, because one of his first acts as a lawmaker was to put a cap on his exact type of settlement, with an exception for himself. So nobody else can get the same kind of massive settlement he did. The dude is the very definition of “pulling up the ladder behind himself.”

    • hips_and_nips@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Precisely. It’s textbook GOP “fuck you, I got mine” behavior and he should absolutely be shamed with it, if that degenerate had the capacity to feel shame.

      • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        168k annually isn’t crazy for an attorney.

        Fuck Abbot, and you can still practice law just fine from a wheelchair. But the valuation of the career isn’t insane. If he’d actually been hurt in a manner that affected his ability to practice law, it wouldn’t be as galling.