In its ongoing investigation of Terrace Wood, a housing development endorsed by Mike Holmes, CBC recently learned that consumer watchdog Tarion condemned three of the houses. CBC also uncovered documents showing Mike Holmes not only promoted the project, but also a company he’s associated with loaned money to the builder.

    9 months ago

    It’s the classic construction worker evolution … I’ve seen it a dozen times because I’ve worked with a few of them. They start out as young hard working naive people who want to make a name for themselves - usually they are honest hard working individuals who are eager to learn, do a great job and over time come highly recommended. They build a business, get more workers, get more jobs and have less and less time … then more often than not, they get hurt, either gradually or suddenly. Now they are aging, in pain and have a ton of work they are responsible for. They bring in a million but also spend a million and their margins are not as rosy as we like to think. They drive big trucks but they are just one or two payments away from losing everything. They are near constant stress and now they no longer work to do a good job … but now they are working to try to stay afloat and they hate what they do. After a few years of this … they just don’t care any more and everything they do is crap.

    I think Holmes started off like this … but now he’s just another millionaire counting his money and no longer cares about what is done in his name any more because he’s no longer involved in the work any more.