…by quoting, off the cuff and without translation or footnotes, a random passage from Dante.
(Also some Italian comrade please translate this for me. I am not on Marx’s level).
I like that other Dante line that TS Eliot uses in The Waste Land: Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina / he embraced the fire that refines him. It’s a good absurdist maxim for when you’re trying to explain to someone that it’s fun that you’re caught in an alpine hail storm 10 miles from the trailhead.
(But this is seriously why people should study classic literature. It lets you connect to ancient wisdom in all kinds of situations – referring you, as an individual living now, to the whole process of history in an immediate way).
Follow your course, and let the people decide
More or less
Mmm imo it is more
Follow your path, and let people talk.
It is a very polite way to say: do what you want and let people talk shit if the wish.
Source: I am italian