Tractive is a service to track dogs and cats, via a GPS tag attached to their collar.
I’m more than aware this isn’t a privacy conscious service, but from what research I did it was by far the most “effective” service and easily accessible.
I paid a full year subscription for this service during January. But now two months later they have changed their terms. They do not list what these changes are.
My Questions are:
What’s the best way to find the differences in the old vs. new terms?
I bought the product before these changes were made, does that somehow give me a right to continue using them under the old terms?
Considering I bought this before the changes, and if I don’t agree with new terms, do I have the right to a refund?
Appricate any suggestions!
- Ask them. They’re required to tell you the changes.
- No.
- Depends on what the original agreement said. If it says you’re entitled to a refund if they change the terms, then yes. If not (likely) no.
Changes in Tractive Terms of Service
I compared the current and old terms of service for Tractive and found several changes. Here are the key differences:
How I Found the Changes
I used the Wayback Machine to find an older version of the terms of service and compared both documents with the help of Mistral AI.
Changes in the Terms of Service
Validity Date:
- Change: The validity date has been updated.
- Location: At the beginning of the document under “General Terms and Conditions.”
Subscription Fees and Price Adjustments:
- Change: A new section detailing Tractive’s right to adjust pricing and the notification process for price changes.
- Location: Section “III. Subscription Fees and Price Adjustments” in the new document.
Subscription Renewal and Payment:
- Change: Additional details on renewal and handling of failed payments.
- Location: Section “II. Online Tracking: Registration / Subscription Plan Contract,” points 8 and 9.
Live Tracking:
- Change: Explicit mention of Tractive’s right to terminate live tracking sessions.
- Location: Section “V. Online Tracking / Obligations and Behavioral Rules,” point 7.
Liability and Indemnification:
- Change: More detailed clauses on liability limitations and indemnification.
- Location: Section “VI. Online Tracking Availability / Warranty / Liability.”
Payment and Financing Options:
- Change: Detailed outline of payment options, including financing through Klarna.
- Location: Section “XIV. Financing via Klarna Bank AB.”
Right of Withdrawal:
- Change: Detailed conditions for the right of withdrawal and refund process.
- Location: Section “XII. Right of Withdrawal of the Consumer according to Section 11 FAGG.”
Legal and Jurisdiction:
- Change: Specifies Austrian law governance and dispute resolution in Linz, Austria.
- Location: Section “XVII. Place of Fulfillment, Contract Language, Choice of Law, Place of Jurisdiction.”
Thanks for this!
Use archiver sites like archive.org’s way back machine.
Copy both and compare the difference.
I promise this is genuine curiosity, not snark, but what’s the benefit/point to tracking ones pet?
If they run away you can find them. If they get close to something dangerous like a big road for example you get alerted and can go get them so they don’t get run over.
Makes sense, thanks.
Being able to find them if they run away?
Wasn’t there some EU regulation that forces companies to give you a summary of the changes of privacy policies and ToS?
Not heard about it, but would definitely be nice.