It’s really weird that the 0 before the dot has a slash and the one after it doesn’t
It’s not even consistent. Hulks 0 after the dot also has the slash
Maybe 0 with a slash is definitive, but 0 without a slash indicates a remainder. Aka zero vs zeroish. Trying to be generous here.
I think you’re onto something
Looks like it has the slash except in the last digit
Because the last zero is rounded, maybe and the other ones are exact?
Yeah that part looks terrible. Why the hell would they so that?
Looks better to me. Less transparency is better.
I really hated that ghost outline around the edge. Made it seem like artifacting from an analog conversion or something.
I’m not in love with the number font though. Also why are the number fonts different between the countdown and the timings?
They appear to be the same typeface, but the bold variant doesn’t have the slashed zero.
I’m glad it’s not transparent anymore, it’s probably going to help with lower bitrates, where it would often get all blocky after a few seconds.
True, that new number font doesn’t please me
It seems clearer. Maybe they upped the definition
Background used to be more transparent/lighter, so the added contrast makes it look clearer I think
Cleaner, I like it.