• AnalogyAddict@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Just this week, I sat across from a male psychologist while he asked me if I’d reported abuse my daughter went through at the hands of her dad.

    No, I didn’t.

    First, she didn’t say anything until years later, when she no longer had to see him.

    Second, the second time I did report something, I was told to stop causing trouble between me and my ex spouse, or I’d lose custody of the kids. I was terrified of being able to protect them even less.

    Third, each time I reported cost me thousands of dollars I didn’t have because he retaliated through the courts.

    So no, I haven’t reported anything since then. And yes, I’m ashamed. But shame or not, I don’t know what I could have done differently.

    The courts truss women like pigs and roast them on a spit for even hinting at trying to protect their kids, then skewer them again when they don’t.