How is the game performing on the PS5? What were your expectations, and how were they met?

Also, what size screen & res are you playing on and in what room?

    8 months ago

    I’m playing on a 65" 4k OLED with 5.1 surround sound. It’s awesome on the PS5! I have the PC version too and movement and the camera are a lot better on PS5. Inventory management is better on PC, and some world interactions are easier. The graphics are more detailed on my PC with a 3070 ti, and load times are considerably faster, like 5x faster, but I still prefer playing on PS5.

    Edit: there have been a few times on PS5 where particles don’t load. I walked right into a poison cloud because it wasn’t visible on the screen once, and another time some ambient SFX were missing. One time one of the characters was missing her armor and hair. That was funny. But those experiences have been far and few in-between, and a restart fixes it.

    10 months ago

    Playing exclusively in co-op, it’s a bug fest.

    A major character was invisible all through his introductory cut scene. Random voice acting cuts out. Both players can have cut scenes going at once, but only one will get voices.

    Some of this has not been thought through properly at all. IMO, important cut scenes should automatically play full screen for both of you. When you sleep, sometimes there is a cut scene that’s very similar for both of you, playing on both halves of the screen. There’s no way to full screen this, and one player isn’t going to get voices again. This would have been better as a single cut scene featuring both players.

    Performance is fairly poor as well with large (2-3 seconds) pauses when swapping characters, or summoning things. It seemed to start doing this after 15 hours or so.

    The menus are clunky as all hell. Want to know what that mysterious debuff does? Good luck with that. R2, up, X, L1, L1, down, down… oh it’s faded off.

    Edit: Also, your username is overlaid at the top left of the screen at all times, right where all your roll info and character likes and dislikes appear, making it hard to see them. The tutorial also didn’t work, but that seems to have been fixed with the patch released today.

    Edit: As of the 22rd September patch, the performance is massively improved.

    10 months ago

    So far it performs well, but I only just started and am a couple of hours into act 1

    Playing on a 77” 4k OLED in my living room.